

CARAMBA S.L. ibegins its activity in 1983 by supplying to the iron and steel sector products for the protection and the maintenance of the moulds of the Foundry.

Afterwards, CARAMBA diversifies its activity and comes entirely in the Drugstore Sector by furnishing to the market a wide range of products for the house maintenance (cleaning products, disinfectant products, smell remover, insecticides, etc.).

Our products are present in drugstores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, Department Stores, etc.

Our products are present in drugstores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, Department Stores, etc. Our firm also attends to other markets as theinstitutional cleaning sector, disinfectant firms, automotion firms, hotels, offices, industry, medical sector etc.

From its beginning, our company has worked with imagination by giving new alternatives to the market and offering something else than only competitive prices. By this way, we have got to settle our products in a high quality level that the market has considerably appreciated

Nowadays, CARAMBA is continuously working hard to offer innovator products. We are investigating, in collaboration withFaculties of Biology, the development and the application of new products which prevent illnesses and allergies.

This way and philosophy of working has let us to access very exigent markets which are also receptive to original and quality products.

Between our products, we have a new and innovator treatment against the biologic pollution.This treatment is effective against mites, fungus, and bacteria (as for example Legionnella Pneumophila. This treatment has shown its effectiveness in the last epidemic suffered by several spanish cities caused by this bacterium.


We are members of A.E.D.A. (Spanish Aerosol Association), which is, in its turn, part of F.E.A. (Federation of European Aerosol Associations), and we are also members of A.D.E.L.M.A. (Association of firms of Detergents, Cleaning Products, Maintenance and Similar products).

As far as internal organization is concerned, our team is young and dynamic, with an average age of 35 and composed of a human equip with a high percentage of profesionals with a degree.

As far as internal organization is concerned, our team is young and dynamic, with an average age of 35 and composed of a human equip with a high percentage of profesionals with a degree. Our company also incorporates a quality assurance programme in compliance with the ISO 9002 standard to guarantee our clients an excellent service in all our departments. This quality assurance programme is certified by BUREAU VERITAS QUALITY INTERNATIONAL (BVQi). Up-to-date, we are doing the steps to get the certification ISO 9001-2000 on behalf of a constant improvement of the Quality and the Satisfaction of the Customer. Since 1989, when the Protocol of Montreal was signed, our products have been manufactured without CFCs, which means they are ozone-friendly.

Our company is a member of ECOEMBES (Spanish Eco-Pack Association), thus complying with the compulsory recovery and treatment of residues, containers and packing. For this reason our articles are identified with thegreen dot.

By the other hand, our firm has to attend a great traffic of information from and to our clients, as well as with our suppliers and collaborators that is why we are provided with the most advanced computer systems which let us to know the necessities of our clients at their selling points in real time.. Para ello, contamos actualmente con los sistemas informáticos más avanzados, que permiten conocer en tiempo real las necesidades de nuestros clientes en sus puntos de venta.

Como ejemplo, podemos mencionar que nuestra empresa integra desde 1.994 los sistemas EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), cumpliendo los protocolos AECOC.

Cualquier producto con desinfectantes, insecticidas o repelentes cualidades debe ser expresamente autorizado por el Ministerio de Salud.

A través del buscador de la web del Ministerio de Salud referente a plaguicidas, usted puede comprobar el estado de estos productos y para rechazar a aquellos que no cumplen con las garantías necesarias, evitando fraudes y riesgos.